Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Big Words 4/6/2011

Okay, today I shall talk about words, and not just any words, "BIG" words.  I want to talk about "BIG" words because as I have grown older, and hopefully more intelligent, my vocabulary has increased dramatically. And I personally don’t have a problem using “BIG” words, but people think that I am conceited or trying to make myself seem more intelligent than I really am.  I do not understand why it is almost a bad thing to portray your emotions and your feelings through a more advanced level of language.  
Wouldn’t you want to be able to talk to a college professor about different issues, and be able to hold an intelligent conversation?  I just don’t get it anymore, in the last few years it has seemed like the American people have almost embraced stupidity.  America is the world’s most powerful superpower, and yet we are 23rd in Math and 24th in Science (don’t quote me on those numbers, but I think they still have a valid point).  I am appalled at the notion that Sarah Palin or Michelle Bachman might be the Republican nominee for the Presidency.  I am not a very intelligent person, but at least I can see through the veil of ignorance that is the American society.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

My Thoughts On Religion 4/5/2011

I have been thinking lately, and I have a problem with understanding why the human race has the need to worship "gods" or "supernatural beings" if you will.  WHY do WE, as a race, feel the need to envelope ourselves in something that virtually solves no problems, and causes millions and millions of people to die every year (even though we somehow try to justify these occurrences).  I personally believe the reason that we do this is because we are too afraid to stand up for what we really believe in.  I am not trying to offend anyone, even though I know I really am.